Aaed began practicing yoga fifteen years ago and has studied in various traditions of yoga, meditation and the healing arts in India,  Nepal and Thailand. He is certified both as a Sivananda and Bikram Yoga Teacher and is an E-RYT (Experienced registered yoga teacher) with the Yoga Alliance. Aaed’s classes blend fluidity in motion with …

Brave Hearts Give

BRAVE HEART YOGA FEST LOWDOWN To all of you Brave Hearts out there, Don’t know about you but the tick of the clock is getting louder and louder. Six days left before the big one and we are still counting on your massive attendance. If youhaven’t bought your tix yet, easiest way to get them …


At Union Square we believe that peace is the only way but if kind words, oms and smiles are not enough to wave off an aggressor what do we do? Apparently and sadly, more and more women and homosexual men are being attacked in Beirut. If you are a woman who lives alone and/or tends …

Brave Heart Yoga Fest

Dear little yoga monkeys, I could not be more excited to celebrate with all of you for what promises to be one of the most epic yoga throw-downs of the summer season. Together with the BRAVE HEART FUND, ( we came up with this idea to gather all of the yoga community in Lebanon under …