Aaed began practicing yoga fifteen years ago and has studied in various traditions of yoga, meditation and the healing arts in India,  Nepal and Thailand. He is certified both as a Sivananda and Bikram Yoga Teacher and is an E-RYT (Experienced registered yoga teacher) with the Yoga Alliance. Aaed’s classes blend fluidity in motion with stillness in the postures, promoting a state of meditation in motion for his students. He combines an enthusiasm and love of yoga with expert knowledge of alignment and body mechanics. His class is safe for injured students and he provides modifications for beginners, while offering challenges to more advanced practitioners.

We are glad to welcome him as the MC of Weekend Wind Down as of next Sunday November 3rd.

WEEK END WIND DOWN A slow flow, meditative class that will punctuate your week end beautifully, nurse your hangovers and jump start your week with serenity and lusciousness. Caters to all levels. Specifically suitable for beginners…and hard core party-goers Duration: 90 min